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Informasi penting dalam bahasa Inggris tentang Alkitab, naskah Alkitab, teks Alkitab, penerjemahan Alkitab, dan segala hal lain tentang Alkitab. Jikalau anda bisa mengerti bahasa Inggris, informasi ini akan sangat bermanfaat.
Important information in the English language about the Bible, Bible manuscripts, Bible texts, Bible translation, and all other things about the Bible. If you can understand the English language, this information will be very beneficial.
This video is long (almost 3 hours), but gives a good overview of why we have translated the New Testament from the original Greek text which is now called the Textus Receptus (which means “Received Text”) using the formal word-for-word translation method, and why all true Christians must reject the Critical Text used by the United Bible Societies, must reject all translations from that text, and must reject also the “Dynamic Equivalence” translation method they use to translate it into other languages.